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Special Delivery: Born at 32 Weeks, Baby #2

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

So yes after Demarlow, I was absolutely even more hot and ready for my man. I was so much more in love seeing my husband become and be a great man and father! Mmm. Im getting worked up just thinking about his deliciousness. Ok, let me gather myself and stay on track.

We made love pretty much as soon as I was ready and i'm not sure that theory about if you breastfeed your not going to get pregnant works.

You know the theory? Right.. I think it goes. After you give birth and while breastfeeding your chances of conceiving are extremely low to none. 👎🏽 Now that must have been a lie because we made love and I was instantly pregnant! Instantly.

Its was cool with me especially after finding out I hit the lottery and was having a precious baby girl!

As for the care. I did well, I was practically just at the office because Id literally just given birth about a month ago so I was pretty comfortable with the process. We were smooth sailing.

Her Debut

Joy has been dramatic since birth and her debut into this world was nothing short of that!

On January 30th, I had a doctors appointment and had become so annoyed. They had me take a sugar test and I didnt want to be there, Id already felt it was too late for the test, but id also been trying to avoid it. My time and patience was so short.

So, i'm in the office and i'm waiting on the nurses. One comes in and she took my bp. For some reason my blood pressure just wouldn't stabilize. The nurses kept asking me to calm down and relax. I felt like I was already both. It go to the point that they actually held me up. I was stuck there and I really wanted to go home. They had me wait for about an hr and then the dr. talked to me and let me know why they were concerned. I was showing signs of early labor 😳. He was really concerned and he wanted me to know he to go out of town and wouldn't be back for two weeks. I was like whatever and felt like it wouldn't affect me because In my mind everyone was crazy and I had 2 months more or less before even considering anything.

Fun fact! Demarlow, my first born, who was 10 months at the time, took his first steps that day in the doctor's office! AMAZING! See, that's how I know I was calm. I was excited!

So, back at home in our tiny apartment at about 9 pm I was in so much pain! I couldn't sleep. I had already been through the going to the hospital for nothing ordeal with baby one. You kinda learn how to distinguish a real emergency from a false alarm at some point!

I was in some real pain and it just wouldn't go away, in fact, the pain was coming more often. I called the hospital to talk to the nurse and she decided I should come in and get looked at. So we pack our bags and get ready to go. I made it to the front door and BOOM! my water broke! It freaking broke at the front door and water was gushing out continuously! I was so dang freaked out I wasn't sure what to think. I didn't know if it was cool, crazy, scary, or what! I was literally in shock.

Darren. grabbed a towel and started mopping up the floor, he was just as in shock, but not too shocked to calm that ocd.

So, we grab and extra towel and headed up to the hospital.

In hindsight this was movie style. He was racing in traffic, I was fussing, it was a cinematic mess.

My doctor was gone, and I didnt know what would happen, but fortunately for me it was ladies night! There was a female OB on call and she was so cute and really nice! She made sure I was comfortable and yes guys I took the epidural again. I really didn't have time to think about that I just remembered the psycho pain I was just in and I didnt think twice about declining. The team of nurses were all ladies so it just felt like girls night!

After the meds it was pretty much time to push. 3 pushes in and Joy Mae slid out like a blood clot! Eww I know right, but that was how smooth it was. That was also as smooth as it got. I was allowed to look at her and so was darren. Then they rushed her away so fast. I was in complete disbelief. I didn't know anything about delivering a baby early. I didnt know you didn't want to or how risky it was. I just knew she was here then gone.

About an hour later a nurse came back and let me know Joy would not be returning to me and that she would need medical assistance to survive. She needed a feeding tube, to be incubated, and to be monitored. 24/ 7. I was devastated. I was shocked. And girl. I was sent home. YES. I went home that morning. I was like dang. So this is it. They were like, pretty much. I wasn't hurt, I wasn't sick, I bounced back like nothing had happened, and harshly I didn't have a baby coming back to visit. So I didn't have to go home, but I had to get the **** out of there!

Joy stayed in the hospital for a whopping 22 days and It felt like each day lasted a year. I learned what the NICU was and how serious the restrictions are pertaining to it! No kids are welcome. I think there was an age restriction on that also. So with me being a stay at home mom and little outside support with Marlow, I had to wait for Darren to get off of work each day to go and see my baby. My mom would go as much as she could after work to look after Joy also but for me nothing was enough. I was sick y'all, but God 🙌🏽 blessed me with the strength and to make it through! God also blessed my baby with her caring nurses and even more he blessed my baby to make it out.🙏🏽

So today as you can imagine I love my baby more than ever and look forward to her turning 12 this year. Joy is by far one of my strongest kids! Literally she can do anything and is so smart!

As usual, thanks for jamming with me again! I would edit this thang, if I could just get a minute. ~ Mrs. Craney


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